Meccanica dei solidi
- 1 Apparato con filo a piombo
- 2 Apparato per il centro barico e accessori
- 3 Apparecchio forza centrifuga
- 4 Anelli elastici, accessorio apparecchio forza centrifuga
- 5 Regolatore a forza centrifuga di Watt, accessorio apparecchio forza centrifuga
- 6 Apparecchio a masse scorrevoli coassiali per la dimostrazione della forza centrifuga, accessorio apparecchio forza centrifuga
- 7 Intelaiatura in metallo con pendolo, accessorio apparecchio forza centrifuga
- 8 Cubo girante a specchio, accessorio apparecchio forza centrifuga
- 9 Apparecchio per dimostrazione carrucole
- 10 Apparecchio per dimostrazioni forze parallele e momenti
- 11 Apparecchio per l’adesione a tre dischi di vetro, rame e legno
- 12 Apparecchio per l’adesione a emisfero di piombo, con piattello
- 13 Bilancia analitica
- 14 Cassette di solidi
- 15 Contatore di giri
- 16 Dinamometri a molla a, b, c
- 17 Dinamometro grande a molla ellittica
- 18 Giroscopio
- 19 Livella a bolla
- 20 Orologio cronografico contasecondi
- 21 Paradosso meccanico
- 22 Pendolo di Foucault con due accessori
- 23 Dispositivo per la verifica sperimentale delle leggi del pendolo
- 24 Pendolo di inerzia di Maxwell
- 25 Piano inclinato
- 26 Sostegno ad altezza variabile
- 27 Tubo di Newton
- 28 Vite micrometrica
The device allows the experimental test of the balance conditions of bound heavy bodies, especially the ones lying on a horizontal plane.
The apparatus, equipped with five brass objects, permits to define the centre of gravity as a balance spot of neutral equilibrium of a body The check of such a property can be obtained leaning the objects, with their centre of gravity, on the top of the column.
Elm wood tablet with a framework and shaped feet for a centrifugal force machine.
With this appliance it is possible to simulate the effects of the centrifugal force on the polar flattening and of the blowing up of the terrestrial globe at the equator.
The device is a demonstrative model of Watt security tool, used to regulate the inflow of steam inside the boilers of steam machines. It was invented and used for the first time by the Scottish mechanic J. Watt (1736-1819).
Appliance for the experimental demonstration of the effects of centrifugal force.
Appliance used to verify the invariance of the oscillation plain of a simple pendulum.
The device was generally used with a monometric capsule to analyse the variations of flame’s height in a gas burner, the consequences of rarefactions and condensations of gas itself when collided with sound waves.
The device allows to show the experimental test of the composition of two parallel forces or of two converging forces.
The device has a didactic use to verify the laws of statics connected with the research of the equilibrium conditions of the points to which forces are applied.
The three discs, made of different matters, are used to put into evidence, in particular working conditions, the presence and effects of an adhesion force.
The appliance allows to put in evidence the actions of molecular forces in solid bodies.
A precision scale with a container equipped with set drawers to place the model masses.
The two wooden boxes contain collections of models of geometrical solids. The oldest one was sent to the Liceo by the Ministery of Public Education as didactic material.
The device allows to count the number of rotations made by a rotating body connected with the device itself.
A series of thre metal dynamometers of small dimensions. Every device is labelled “Pocket balance”.
The device consists of an elyptical metal structure, flexible for heavy burdens. The elliptical structure works as a spring.
A device that has several technological applications, as in a gyrocompass on board of aeroplanes and ships, used to stabilize the machines on which they are used when the crafts change direction.
The spirit-level is used to establish the horizontal position of a surface or of a line.
A chronographic second counter watch is an appliance equipped with a stop-watch that, beyond measuring time intervals with the necessary precision, permits to stop and record the indication of the time interval considered.
A double cone, situated on the lowest part of a sloping frame, spontaneously starts to climb upwards, giving the impression of escaping the gravity force. Because of this behaviour, which is contrary to the common sense, the device is called “mechanic paradox”.
The device allows to demonstrate the terrestrial rotation motion. A complete theory of the rotation motion is due to Leon Foucault (1819-1868) who, in 1851 hung a 67 meters long pendulum with a swinging mass of 28 kg to the dome of Panthéon in Paris, carrying out, in such a way, the first public demonstration of terrestrial rotation.
The device is used to verify the isochronism laws of small oscillations of a simple pendulum.
The device puts in evidence, through the analysis of the motion of a rigit body, the trasformations among the forms of mechanic energy. The name “pendulum” is given because of the recurrence of the motion. A play version of this devince is the yo-yo.
A version of a sloping plan used to verify the balance law of a heavy body leaning on a plan with static friction.
A support with a rectangular profile with a wood holder.
This device allows to verify experimentally that all the objects, put in the vacuum and at same height, have the same falling time. The evidence that the friction of the air is influential on the fall of bodies was proved by Newton after the invention of the vacuum pump, thus confirming what Galileus had aharply understoon one century before.
A micrometric screw is used to measure the thickness of flat and parallel face laminas.